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September 2, 2019

10 Tips to Make Your Product Descriptions Boost the Income

Of course, each part of your website needs care and thoughtfulness. However, product descriptions seem to be taken extra care of because they in particular and the online store in general make your sales. Therefore, if you have not started a modification yet, it is time to start now.

A product description is a great source for traffic and buzz online. If you write them correctly, your clients will not only get enthusiastic about buying the product but also will more likely rank you. Here you will find 10 recommendations for you to follow.

1. Unique voice and intonation

The description should be aimed at your audience with a use of correct words and phrases. Depending on the company’s product focus it can be full of humor or, for instance, tactic and serious. It all depends on the type of shoppers you have: teenagers, middle ages people, elderly ones, conservative or liberal etc. You should know them well enough to speak their language.

For example, a store for iPhone cases will have not the same tone as the American Red Cross refers to. If the information is fun and light, it is told differently from the one which is serious and requires going into detail. To begin with, try to analyze your audience and apply a certain voice to your product descriptions. If you can speak the language the acceptance of your brand changes: you are more trustworthy and it makes clients feel that you understand their needs better. The chances of a conversation in this case are higher and, as a result, you also get new content for your SEO.

2. Remember about keywords

Keep in mind the purpose of the descriptions. Each of them should help a client, that is why, use search terms which can lead a shopper to your product. We have already talked about search engines: using the right keywords you can raise the chances of you page appearance in the results. Google’s Keyword Planner or other tools can easily identify the terms a customer usually use. Try to figure out what features your product can have: color, type of material, thickness or thinness. Depending on the type of the merchandise you should always find the right categories.

3. Pay attention to benefits

One of the most successful tips in marketing is focusing on advantages when you are advertising something. You need to tell customers why they need this product and what are its benefits. Of course, you should also mention basic knowledge about a good but you need an equilibrium between features and advantages. The description needs not only a clear characteristics of a product but also what it can give to your client, why should they buy it.

4. Variety of products and its visuals

Such variations one product as color, size and print are really necessary to have. However, most of the store forget to recommend buyers every option they have. Also be prepared and get a visual content which is worth seeing. There is nothing attractive in little blurry pictures.

According to statistics mobile ecommerce is taking a great advantage over other ecommerce types with almost 75% of sales. This means that you should adapt to the smartphone experience your clients mostly have so customers could see from their screen every detail of your products.

5. Storytelling

If you want your descriptions to be more effective, try storytelling. It is scientifically proved that human brain hits a more active phase when it comes to stories. When a person sees a narrative it is easier for them to follow and get some emotions. Narratives not only help to understand your product better, they also can be remembered easier.

Depending on what you are selling, you can integrate narrative storylines in your description strategy. For instance, it can be a funny story about the way you got the idea of making a product or how you found a material or something else. Creativity will help you out.

6. Scanability

One of the main things to do is to make sure that your description text is scannable. Scannable texts loos more attractive and are more likely to be read. Scanability means following these rules. First of all, make short paragraphs. Massiveness of text can scare people while short paragraphs (4 or less lines) look more easy to read. Secondly, always check headers. While a shopper is examining your description they usually want to see particular things, help them to find them. Thirdly, lists and main points also make a perception of the text easier, especially if you have a lot of features to mention.

7. Social Proof

Integrate social proof (for instance, reviews and ratings) in your product description as much as it is possible because it has a direct influence on your client’s decision to make or not make a purchase. Shopper trust other shoppers more than you so be certain that you have a number of reviews to show that other people have also preferred your merchandise to other companies.

8. Visual part

There should be several visual components in your product description. Besides photos of the product and user-generated content think about the following visual elements: videos and diagrams. Videos can help you to demonstrate a product in use and in motion while diagrams and bars can benefit if you to show the size and scale of a good. Both of them make your texts more digestible.

9. Trust

To build trust between you and a consumer try to start from descriptions. Include refunds into your policy and mention it on each product page it will guarantee your shoppers that even if they made a wrong choice they always have a backup. Offering guarantees means that you are transparent and loyal in your relationship with your customers. Your clients will remember that and come back next time.

10. Offers and promotions

During promotion campaign not only put an advertisement on a front page but also mention it in a product description. People tend to pass a homepage mostly without paying attention to the banners. Chances of noticing the advertisement are higher if you duplicate the information.

Alice works on the Renewals and Account Management team at Collect Reviews. She is always happy to grab a spot of coffee and chat about current art events, fashion or mountain hiking.