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September 12, 2019

3 Ways How to Establish Communication with a Brand Advocate

It is always a problem to find, reach and keep in touch with brand advocates. However, the relationship with these exact people can benefit your business a lot. It contributes to your company’s reputation and sales. Here there are three ways how you can start this communication with a brand advocate or ambassador.

1. Find advocates that you already know or the ones who can potentially be interested

Initially, check out you customers’ transaction history. Examine not only the amount of money spent but also the purchase itself, what good it was. For instance, if you are searching for someone who will advertise toys for children you should find somebody who bought this type of products.

Secondly, make a research of the reviews the shopper has already made. Pay attention to the mark “helpful” under the review, you should check that their reviews were useful to others. Also try to find some visuals a person might have posted in the reviews. A person who are doing an extra job taking photos can be a good option for you to hire. Moreover, today user-generated pictures and videos are in a special demand, almost 90% of the customers look first at other clients’ visual content and then make a purchase.

2. Use advocate’s content

As soon as you find the right people, contact them and ask to make some content for your brand (reviews, visuals etc.). Be certain that review making algorithm is simple enough and acceptable on mobile devices so it could process a great amount of data. For advocates it is highly important to make posts straight from a smartphone.

Furthermore, usually advocates tend to buy several items at once, thus, it would be more convenient for you to make the review of a number of goods from a single page possible. Your income can become three times more just after following this rule.

Remember to inspire the advocates to review the products. For most of the consumers a lack of motivation is the main reason for not writing reviews. Offer some benefits: discounts, free delivery and an advocate would be happy to help you. However, do not forget to barge these reviews so other consumers would know its origin.

3. Go further

So you found an advocate and got content from them. What is next? Make the most out of this content: post it on other pages of a website, share it and draw people’s attention to it. Some brands, such as Amazon, for instance, also add review content as banners while you are shopping. It demonstrates the reviews on particular things from the real shoppers. Also use the content in other marketing strategies. For example, Apple has a whole series of shots taken by iPhone users.

If you have never thought about contacting with advocates, it is time to consider this option. Advocates can encourage lots of people to make a purchase so why not use the opportunity?

Alice works on the Renewals and Account Management team at Collect Reviews. She is a professional writer and content critic. Feel free to bug her on Linkedin.